Causal Model Analysis of Communication Factors Affecting Holistic Healthcare Behavior of the Elders

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Kirati Kachentawa


This research objectives were: 1) to analyze communication factors that were suitable for elders’ holistic healthcare behavior; 2) to study direct and indirect effects among variables in causal model of communication factors affecting holistic healthcare behavior of the elders; and 3) to investigate the congruence of causal model and empirical data. Mixed methods research was utilized included qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the part of qualitative approach, in-depth interview was conducted with (1) public health officers, (2) local administrative officers and (3) elderly leaders from Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Smut Prakarn and Pathum Thani provinces. Regarding quantitative approach, survey research technique was employed to collect data from 480 elders who resided or earned a living in Bangkok and its vicinity. Qualitative research findings revealed that factors related to the sender, message, media/channel and receiver all affected healthcare behavior of the elders. What is more, the findings of quantitative research revealed the causal model of communication factors affected the elders’ holistic healthcare behavior. This was consistent with the empirical data. Meanwhile, variables related to community media integration and communication of various contents are consistent with elders’ healthy ways and were two dominant independent variables which had effects toward holistic healthcare behavior of the elders.


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Author Biography

Kirati Kachentawa, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ramkhamhaeng University

Lecturer at Faculty of Mass Communication, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand.


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