Assessment on the Promotion of Chanthaburi Province to the World’s Gemstone Trading Center

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Surin Intayot


The purpose of this research was 1) to evaluate the potential of Chanthaburi province to be developed into the World’s Gemstone Trading Center and 2) to produce the strategic recommendations and action plans for government and private sector to use in their work. Mixed methodology research utilized included 1) qualitative research using in-depth interview which was conducted with the heads of government and private sectors and 2) quantitative research usingsurvey research technique which was employed to the total of 470 people from the group of Thai and foreign gems and jewelry entrepreneurs and Thai and foreign tourists. From the potential assessment, it was found that Chanthaburi province had economic factors, market systems, infrastructure, institutions, and other aspects that were sufficient to support the establishment of the world’s gemstone trade center. However, there were some problems with law and regulations. The important factors that made Chanthaburi the world’s gemstone trade center were good location, good facilities and regulations that were conducive to entrepreneurship. The Important obstacle factors were raw materials, labor, marketing, and product styles. The results of the research have been used to formulate the strategic plan of “2022 Chanthaburi Province, the World’s Gemstone Trading Center” Five main development strategies included 1) raw material management, 2) skilled labor development and product development, 3) international gems and jewelry marketing, 4) improvement and development of the government sector, and 5) strengthening management and supporting industry.


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จักกฤษณ์ ดวงพัสตรา, วรรณภา วัดบุญเลี้ยง และกุลเชษฐ วุฒิมานานนท์ (2560). โครงการศึกษาโอกาสและความเป็นไปได้ในการพัฒนาไทยเป็นศูนย์กลางการค้าพลอยสีของโลก. กรุงเทพฯ: สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับแห่งชาติ (องค์กรมหาชน).

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สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับแห่งชาติ (องค์กรมหาชน). (2562). บทวิเคราะห์สถานการณ์การนำเข้าส่งออกสินค้าอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับไทย ปี 2561. เข้าถึงได้จาก

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