Guidelines for the Development of the Thai Marching Bands in the 21st Century

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Akarawat Chaumklang


The purpose of the current study was to investigate a guideline for developing Thai marching bands in the 21st century. Mixed method approach was employed to the two processes of data collection. The first phase was a qualitative research employing a focus group interview on three groups of twelve participants in total including band supervisors, experts in marching band assembling, and marching band competition judges. Second phase was designed to be a quantitative research study on three hundred eighteen participants of band supervisors and marching band assembling selected by purposive sampling method. The instruments were a qualitative analysis and a set of 5 Likert scaled questionnaire. The statistics were Percentage, Mean Score and content analysis of each item.
The results of the study were as follows. The model management of Thai marching bands should include four aspects of instruments and venues, budget, management, and personnel. In detail, the comparison of each aspects indicated a descending order of instruments and venues, personnel, management, and budget.


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