Guidelines to Promote Self Practice on Moral and Ethics in Accordance with Buddhism among Juvenile in the East

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Boonrod Boongird
Patcharin Rujiranukul


This research aimed to study the guidelines to promote the practices of morality and ethics in accordance with Buddhism disciplines among juveniles in the East of Thailand. The research tools consisted of focus group discussions comprising 12 participants who were selected according to the research qualification requirement. The result revealed as follows:
The promotion of practice of morality and ethics in accordance with the Buddhism disciplines among the juveniles in the East could be conducted by these four guidelines. First, the cooperation of the three social institutes which are family, educational institutes and religious institutes must be constructed. The initiative institute should be the family as family was the closest to the juveniles. Second, the promotion of the practices must be done through local media. All channels and types of media must realize the significance of Buddhism disciplines and present these on their programs. Third, role models must be created. Famous people in the East, for instance, artists, movie stars or singers who are popular among the juveniles must be role models who practice themselves along with the Buddhism disciplines. And fourth, all governmental institutes in these four eastern provinces must build up networks to seriously and continually promote and supports activities concerning the practices of morality and ethics in accordance with the Buddhism disciplines among the juveniles in local and national levels in order to give the juvenile stages to express themselves and encourage them by presenting rewards and complements.


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