Value added in Cultural Souvenir with Local Wisdom by Putting Isan Melody of Thai Saek Community, Nakhon Phanom Province in Music Boxes

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Akarawat Chaumklang


The purposes of the current study were to study music cultures and souvenirs of Thai Saek Ethic group in order to create value-added of Thai Saek music box and to evaluate consumers’ satisfaction of the developed Thai Saek music box. The study was divided into 3 phases including 1) In-depth interview with key informants–At this stage, targeted groups were purposively selected and the data were analyzed. 2) The creation of Thai Saek music box phase which aimed to utilize the knowledge of Thai Saek music culture to analyze, arrange,  djust music to produce melody used in the music box creation, and 3) The satisfaction evaluation phase–123 subjects were selected using purposive sampling method from tourists traveling in the community to complete five-scale questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis were Mean, Standard Deviation, and Percentage. The findings can be concluded as follows:
The results of the study indicated that the important tradition of the community was “Kin Tet Den”, a ceremony held to worship Ong Moo, the holy spirit of the community. “Saek Ten Sak” was performed in this ceremony. Two songs used in this performance are 1) “Wuoun Mo Lum Mo” and 2) “Roam Tae Trak”. The first song was selected to be used in music box because of its salience of the theme, length of the theme and the range of the melody. The developed Thai Saek music box was found to be satisfied at an average level.


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