An Analysis of Contents and Communication Strategies about Major Depression Disorder in Online Communities

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Apasnan Pongpanus
Pornpun Prajaknate


This research aimed to study the communications strategies used by administrators of online groups that associated with major depression disorder, and to identify the members’ messages written in in Online Communities on how they coped with resilience, trust, and attachment. The research methodology includes in-depth interview and content analysis from three Facebook groups, namely; 1) “Friends of Patients with Major Depression Disorder, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Panic Disorder, and Others”, 2) “Better Together We Fight Depression/Bipolar Together”, and 3) “Major depression Disorder is Curable”. The results revealed three keys communication strategies that the administrators used were as follows: 1) Communication Patterns: There were no strict communication patterns among members; 2) Message Editing: Main and subtopics were outlined with logical concerns; 3) Communication Technique: Building or sustaining the relationships with members were applied as well as participating them. The most frequent messages in depression groups were positive and inspirational ones which enable the members to gain trust through self-disclosing messages. The messages at second rank in frequency were the message to develop patients’ resilience by expressing self-identity and building secure attachment.


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