The Impact of Self-conscious Emotions and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness on Green Consumption

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Chawanuan Kananukul


This study aims to explore the factors influencing green consumption (e.g., green purchase intention and green purchasing behavior) namely: consumer guilt, consumer pride, and perception on consumer’s effectiveness. The online surveys were administered to green consumers. A total of 297 usable responses were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The finding indicated that consumer guilt (γ11 = 0.498, t = 5.745, p < .001) and consumer pride (γ12 = 0.844, t = 3.327, p < .01) significantly influenced perception on consumer’s effectiveness whereas perception on consumer’s effectiveness significantly influenced green purchase intention (β21 = 0.395, t = 5.224, p < .001). In addition, green purchase intention significantly influenced green purchasing behavior (β32 = 0.718, t = 11.872, p < .001).


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