Students’ Decision to Study in an Undergraduate Program in Information Studies in Public Universities

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Somruethai Theeraruangsiri
Doungkamol Unchitti


This research aims to investigate and compare students’ decision to study at an undergraduate program of information studies in public universities. The samples used in this survey research included 210 freshman and sophormore undergraduate students majoring in information studies from 10 public universities in the academic year of 2018. The sample were selected by a proportional stratified random sampling method. The research tool was 5-point rating scale questionnaire. The statistics analysis in the study consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation while one-way ANOVA was used for hypothesis test. When the statistically significant difference revealed at 0.05, LSD were applied.
The findings revealed that: Features affecting the decision to study at an undergraduate program of information studies in public universities holistically and individually reached high levels. It can be ranged from the greatest to the least values as follows: teaching and learning administration, tuition fees and other expenses, location, facilities, and attitudes, respectively. When comparing factors influencing the study decision across the data, it was found that students having different genders and studying different universities expressed their opinions about the decision to study at an undergraduate program of information studies in public universities in terms of location differently at statistically significant level of 0.05.


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