Situations, Trends, and Needs of Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence Skills for Enhancing Work Effectiveness among Working-Age People in Thailand

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Bu-nga Chaisuwan
Panpilas Kuldilok
Chachaya Sakuna


This research aims at studying the situations, trends and needs of knowledge and artificial intelligence skills for enhancing work effectiveness among working-age people in Thailand. It employed a technique of an in-depth interview with 40 informants who were from artificial intelligence-related professionals and working for the Thai labor markets. The results showed that most professionals had a good level of knowledge and skills of artificial intelligence in communication. In certain organizations, employees were able to adapt to technology. Their levels of knowledge and skills, however, varied, depending on their job responsibilities. Those who did not use artificial intelligence in their work showed a low level of knowledge in this area. Besides, their ages and generations influenced their decision to use artificial intelligence skills in their work. Regarding organizations’ needs for knowledge and skills of artificial intelligence in communication, the results indicated that there were 3 major points: 1) the need of basic knowledge in artificial intelligence; 2) the need of data management; and 3) the need of knowledge and skills of artificial intelligence in communication, especially in terms of thinking. Thus, organizations/institutes should develop courses for educating and improving their employees’ skills of artificial intelligence in communication.


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