Planning Essential Databases of the Digital Gaming Industry for the Development of Thailand’s Creative Economy

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Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs


Digital gaming is an industry with high economic growth potential, as stated in national policies on the development of the creative economy and the digital economy. However, the inadequacy of information and the lack of well-designed, comprehensive and easily accessible databases may hamper the economic growth of the digital gaming industry in Thailand. The objective of this qualitative research is to advance the planning of the design of database systems for the development of Thailand’s digital gaming industry. This applied research employs a content analysis technique to extract and analyse data from relevant documents, in-depth interviews and a forum discussion with 15 experts in Thailand’s digital gaming industry. The findings demonstrated that databases are urgently required for the development of this sector. They should include the data related to 1) the market value of the Thai digital gaming industry; 2) the list of games produced by Thai creatives; 3) tax and investment privileges; 4) benefits for entrepreneurial developers and relevant businesses; and 5) studies about the development of the digital gaming industry in Thailand. This study recommends the establishment of an information centre responsible for comprehensive data generation, management and usage guided by clear objectives. It should engage all the key stakeholders in database design throughout the industry’s value chain, and the process of presenting information should be accessible with an efficient and up-to-date search system in response to the fast-changing pace of the digital gaming industry.


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