The Creative Attributes of Thai Television Drama and Audience Satisfaction: A Case Study of Love Destiny Television Drama

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Pichaet Tang-on
Duangkamol Chartprasert
Jirayudh Sinthuphan


The television drama Love Destiny has widely created the intense Thainess trend in society, encouraging various audience behaviors called ‘Aor Jao Phenomenon.’ This unprecedented phenomenon is the effect of audience satisfaction that this drama gave. Thai television drama makers could use this drama as a model for producing television shows that attract a mass audience. Therefore, this research aims at studying the correlation between each creative component of Thai television drama and audience satisfaction, using Love Destiny as a case study. This survey research used an online questionnaire as a main method of data collection. The results showed that all creative components correlated with audience satisfaction. The six components, consisting of screenplay, casts and acting, costume design, production design, special effects, and public relations, were statistically linked to the audience satisfaction.


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