The Influence of Colonial Regimes in Monthon Payap between the 19th and 20th Centuries

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Chaiwat Pasuna


This paper studied the influence of colonialism in Monthon Payap during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Its objective was to examine the Monthon’s encounter with British and French colonialism. The analysis focused on the relations between colonialism and internal colonization based on the temporal context. The data were collected from both primary sources, including colonial administration reports, colonial newspapers, Siamese government records, and secondary sources, such as research papers related to historical methods. The findings showed that colonialsm brought about changes in Monthon Payap, with the Siamese government playing a role in tackling issues related to the profits in the forestry sector and dealing with colonial subjects. The evidence also demonstrated the efforts of the British and French colonial regimes to extend their influence by establishing consuls in Chiang Mai and in major cities. The study brought about an understanding of the changing of Monton Payap under colonial influence, and the efforts of indigenous states to develop bargaining power by a variety of means to meet the colonial standards during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


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