Critical Discourse Analysis in Seup Cha-ta Yao Ruan Yuan Ceremony of Thai-Yuan, Tambon Don Rae, Amphoe Mueang Ratchaburi, Ratchaburi Province

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Puncharee Sornsrisom
Chanokphorn Khaokham
Sarawut Buddawong


This paper presents features of Buddhism discourse in Seup Cha-ta Yao Ruan Ceremony of Thai-Yuan, Tambon Don Rae, Amphoe Mueang, Ratchaburi Province, and explains the discursive and socio-cultural practice in the ceremony under the discourse analysis framework. Fairclough’s (1995) 3D model (text, discursive practice, and socio-cultural practice) is employed as an analysis method.
The findings show that the textual dimension of Seup Cha-ta Yao Ruan Ceremony includes the following four elements: 1) the use of references; 2) the use of rhetoric; 3) the use of words and lexicons; and 4) explanation. Regarding the discursive practice, the discourse was formulated by Thai-Yuan Buddhist monks of Wat Na-nong, Tambon Don Rae, Amphoe Mueang Ratchaburi, Ratchaburi Province, and communicated to Thai-Yuan participants in Seup Cha-ta Yao Ruan Yuan Ceremony. The features of socio-cultural practice include the discourses about 1) the sacredness of Buddhism; 2) the belief of life after death; and 3) the abundance of agricultural society.


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