Implications of Classification of Old Towns and Management: A Comparison between UNESCO’s and Thailand’s Categorizations

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Tachawan Panyawutthitham
Kanjana Laochockchaikul


This paper mainly studies the classification of old towns. It compares UNESCO’s old town classification and the classification used in Thailand’s old town operations. According to the documentary analysis, the study found that the old town classification clearly reflected management dimensions. That is, UNESCO’s classification of old towns pays attention to dead old towns, living old towns, as well as cities in the modern context. This reflects the management that values people’s dwelling, the dynamics of the city and its authenticity, which are associated with outstanding universal values. However, Thailand’s old town classification only focuses on dead old towns and living old towns, while neglecting the issues in the modern context. Thailand’s classification similarly pays attention to people’s housing issues. There has been an increased emphasis on population, urban structure, and the centrality of urban importance. Finally, the study found that Thailand’s management of old towns puts a significant emphasis on the physical and historical dimensions of the city.


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