Names of Tai Yai Herbal Medicine in Tai Yai Folk Medicine in Lanna: Origin, Belief and Pharmaceutical Substances

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Phannida Khanthaphad


This research examines the origins of the names of herbal medicines and beliefs appearing in the Books on the Herbal Medicines of Tai Yai in Lanna 1 and 2 by the Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University and the School of Health Science, Mae Fah Luang University. The study found that the names of these herbal medicines originated from nine sources: 1) proper names; 2) medicinal properties; 3) symptoms or causes of diseases; 4) types of medicines and medicinal properties; 5) types of medicines; 6) groups of patients; 7) symptoms of diseases, which are proper names; 8) main ingredients; and 9) symptoms of diseases and main ingredients. In addition, the research study found that the beliefs are around sixteen areas including: 1) spirits; 2) superstitions; 3) immortality; 4) charm; 5) incantation and rituals; 6) showing respect for folk healers; 7) merit of being folk healers; 8) storage of medicines; 9) fate, misfortune, observation of precepts, and merit making; 10) elements and sickness; 11) elements and months and sickness; 12) directions and action of drugs; 13) directions and treatment of patients; 14) numbers 3, 5 and 7; 15) medicine use; and 16) hermit doctor Cheewaka Komarapach. Regarding the pharmaceutical substances, they were classified into five categories which are plant-based, animal-based, human-based, mineral, and other pharmaceutical substances.


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