A Community Participation in the Preservation and Restoration of A Local Art of Tangyuak by the Villagers in Khuengnai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province: A Study of the Local Wisdom as a Cultural Heritage

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Sakhon Chaluaysri


The research aimed to study the process of participation in preservation and restoration of local wisdom, “Tangyuak” and the guidelines to preserve and restore it in Khueangnai district, Ubon Ratchathani province. The research instruments were an in-depth interview, a questionnaire, a participant, and a non-participant observation. The subjects were 100 individuals.
The research found that 1) communal participation in preserving local wisdom includes examining problems and causes, planning, implementing plans, and benefiting from them. 2) The guidelines for preservation were: community conservation, private and state agency support, and educational institute involvement. Regarding the succession of local knowledge, it was passed down to close relatives, and community members and also taught in educational institutions as well as being available to the general public.


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