The Development of Basic Script Writing and Writing for Everyday Life Communication Course for Manpower in Eastern Economic Corridor through MOOCs

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Apirak Chaipanha


This is a research study on Research and Development (R&D). The main objectives of this research are: 1) to identify the needs and priority for potential manpower development in script writing and expressive writing. The findings show that the overall need in this area is quite high, with a score of 4.30 (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.30). 2) In the context of enhancing fundamental Script Writing and Expressive Writing for Daily Life, especially for manpower in the Eastern Economic Corridor region, this study suggests the possibility of developing a foundational course focusing on script writing and expressive writing for daily life through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The study’s findings can be categorized into two main aspects. (1) Course Design: researchers used survey results along with instructional design principles to create course content. (2) Production and Dissemination: the study produced instructional videos for four lessons, comprising of 12 videos, totaling to 120 minutes. Supplementary learning materials, practice exercises, and quizzes were also developed during the study. The course was disseminated through the Burapha University Massive Open Online Course (BUU MOOC) and was pilot-tested with 300 learners. The assessment of learner satisfaction revealed that learners were highly satisfied and gave an average rating of 4.29.


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