The Development and Use Application on Smartphone and Portable Devices for Assessing the State of Local Foods: A Case Study of Baan Samran, Nong Khaen Sub-district, Pathum Rat District, Roi Et Province

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Arthit Buddaduang
Titiratana Wetsiriyanan
Khemawit Jittayasothon
Umaporn Waiyarat
Sawang Suksaeng
Buapun Promphakping
Anuwat Pontip


This research has two objectives. Firstly, to encourage community participation in studying the food situation, and secondly, to design mobile applications for data collection and evaluation of the food security status in Baan Samran. A qualitative case study research and participatory action research were employed to design and develop an application to survey and evaluate the food situation in the area. The data was collected from 35 households as samples.
The results of the research can be utilized to create a local food assessment program called “SAMRANDEE”. An information center called “Tum Home Samran Dee” can be established to manage production processes in the area. This will benefit buyers and sellers by enabling food orders and deliveries and creating employment opportunities for the community in the future.
Community researchers gained important knowledge about food information in the area, research skills, program design based on community needs, and preserving rare local food. Managing household debt is crucial for village development. Adding debt information to the program can improve food security and quality of life. More cooperation with production and marketing networks is recommended. A system for storing produced food, trading, ordering, and delivering should be designed. Local agencies such as local government organizations, and district agricultural offices can use this information to benefit the community.


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