Model for Creating Cooperation Community Organizations to Create a Welfare Grassroots Economy System

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Sittichai Thummakun
Thammaporn Tantra
Krit Suriyachaipun
Patcharapan Srisakonwat
Rutailakshmi Kitboonchu


The objectives of this article were to study the model for creating cooperation community organizations to create a welfare grassroots economy system in Maejo, Sansai district, Chiang Mai; the article was qualitative research, and the instrument used in the research study was a semi-structured interview form and focus group. Key informants were selected from people with knowledge and experience in community organization development. Included representatives of community organizing groups, representatives from government and private agencies, representatives of local leaders, representatives of educational institutions, representatives of religious leaders, and representatives of the public sector, with a total of 60. The obtained data were analyzed using inductive analysis to obtain objective findings.
The study results revealed that the model for creating cooperation among community organizations is to create a welfare grassroots economy system. It was found that there are elements that make a process model for creating cooperation that includes steps for studying communities using spatial pluralism, discussion, and release of statements by community leaders and searching for a reinforcing partner and the process of building a model with details on adjusting thought waves to arouse interest and participation and developing the potential of community organizations through leaders, committees, and members and opening up community thinking space for learning and producing leaders of change.


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