การใช้นวัตกรรมสื่ออินโฟกราฟิกภาษาอังกฤษตำนานท้องถิ่นเพื่อเสริมสร้างทักษะความเข้าใจภาษาอังกฤษและการตระหนักถึงความสำคัญของตำนานท้องถิ่น ของเยาวชนในจังหวัดเชียงราย

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ปรียาภา วังมณี
วรพล ธูปมงคล


This research aimed to 1) build English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature, 2) to compare the ability to understand English pre-trial and post-trial Infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature and 3) to study the satisfaction of youth with English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature. The researchers selected purposive sampling technique for 178 persons because the researchers require all questionnaire respondents to meet the requirements of the age between 15-25 years and they must be students at Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. Research instruments are English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature, English Language Competency Test for understanding the English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature and questionnaire on youth’s satisfaction towards English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature. Statistics for data analysis are IOC, mean and standard deviation (S.D.) respectively.

Research findings were found that the quality of English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature order showed an average of 4.53 at the highest level. For English Language Competency Test for understanding from English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature, it was found that the average (3.52) was at high level, while the questionnaire for youth’s satisfaction towards English infographic media innovation in the local legend of four-ears-five eyes creature was satisfied by an average of 4.55 of the most satisfying level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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