Administrative competencies in general administration of educational personnel. Ban Don Yai School, Kong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province


  • Aphisit Litthisaeng


competencies administration; general administration


This study aims to investigate the competencies in general administration of educational personnels and to present the results to the executives  as a guideline for improving the competencies of general administration for educational personnels at Baan Don Yai school, Kong District ,  Nakhon Ratchasima Province. This study investigated 3 aspects which were the mobilization of educational resources,  Public relation for education, and the relation between the school and the community that classified by the personal factors; sex, age, education level, and work experienced.

The sample of this study was 35 educational personnels of Baan Don Yai school, Kong District ,  Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The instrument was a questionnaire. Percentage, Average and Standard Deviation were used for data analysis.

Most of the sample were female, aged 40 years old and over, graduated with bachelor’s degree, and work experienced between 5-10 years. The result indicated that the administrative competencies in general administration of educational personnels were in high level, classified by each aspect at a high level , the first rank was the public relations for education, and followed by educational resource mobilization.  And the last place was the relation between the school and the community


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How to Cite

Litthisaeng, A. . . (2021). Administrative competencies in general administration of educational personnel. Ban Don Yai School, Kong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(2), 17–26. retrieved from