Participation in general administration on building care and environment of teachers and educational personnel at Ban Sakham School, Nong Ki District, Buriram Province.


  • Patiphanphon Otsaharam


opinion; general administration; the building and environment care


This study aims to survey the level of participation in general administration on building care and environment and to present the results to the executives  as a guideline for improving the efficiency in general administration on building care and environment in 4 parts; the use of building and environment,  supervision of building and environment, maintenance of buildings and the environment and the evaluation of using the building and environment. A sample were 59 teachers and education personnels at Ban Sakham School, Nong Ki District, Buriram Province which were classified by personal factors;           gender, age, education background, average of monthly income  and work experience. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. Percentage, average and standard deviation were used as the data analysis.

       The result revealed that most of the sample were female in the ages between 30-40 years old, they graduated with a bachelor’s degree, the monthly incomes were between 15,000-25,000 bath, work experienced were between 10-20 years. The sample answered the questionnaire by their opinions. In the overall score have shown the high level of satisfying in the general administration on building care and environment. The highest score was the maintenance of buildings and the second was the use of building and environment, the third one was the environment supervision of building and environment, and the last one was the evaluation of using the building and environment.


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How to Cite

Otsaharam , P. . (2021). Participation in general administration on building care and environment of teachers and educational personnel at Ban Sakham School, Nong Ki District, Buriram Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(2), 27–34. retrieved from