The opinion in academic administration the teaching Management of Educational Personnel in Wat Siwaram School Under the Office of Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1
This study has the objectives To study opinions in academic administration in teaching and learning management And to bring the results of the study to the executives As a guideline for the development of academic administration in teaching and learning management of educational personnel at Wat Siwaram School In 4 areas, including the preparation of learning plans Selection of innovative media and learning technology In teaching and learning supervision Measurement and evaluation of learning. Classified by personal factors including gender, age, education level And average monthly income.
The population used in the study was educational personnel at Wat Siwaram School. Pra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, comprised 30 persons. The instrument used for the study was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation.
Most of the respondents were female, aged 40 years and over, had a bachelor's degree and had an average monthly income of 10,000 - 20,000 baht. Waram Under the Office of Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1 Overall is moderate. When classified by each aspect, it was found that the area with the first opinion was the choice of innovative media and learning technology, followed by the teaching and learning supervision, learning plan preparation. And the last place is the measurement and evaluation of learning.
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