Trikāya Belief in Mahāyāna Buddhism


  • Phra Supawat Sukkhawattano (ketkatuk)


Belief; Trikāya; Mahāyāna Buddhism


This academic article aims to present an analysis of the Trikāya belief in Mahāyāna Buddhism by conveying documentarily descriptive perspectives. The study was found that Trikāya is an interpretation from the faculty of Mahāyāna masters, who try to keep the Lord Buddha alive. Trikāya refers to the three bodies of the Lord Buddha: Dhammakāya is the real body, which is the true teaching (Dharma) without the basics, middle and end. Niramāṇakāya is a physical body that is born, old, sick, and dies until being able to develop its potential to become a Buddha. Lastly, Sambhogakāya is a divine body that is in existence to help all beings. These three bodies are believed by only Mahāyāna practitioners and are applied to spread Buddhism around the world. On the other hand, the Buddha is seen as a deity, whom people can pray for what they want as they believe that the Buddha lives somewhere on the land or realm of Buddhism and is still listening to the prayers of all Buddhists. Therefore, those, who are able to reach the Buddha’s realm, must dedicate themselves to Bodhicitta according to Bodhisattva Chariya or practice. If they can have perfection of mind, they can reach the Buddha’s realm. At present, there are many believers of the Trikāya in China, Korea, Tibet and Bhutan etc.


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How to Cite

Sukkhawattano (ketkatuk), P. S. . (2021). Trikāya Belief in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(2), 62–68. retrieved from