A Study results of Proactive learning management on Undergraduate student Mahamakut Buddhist University


  • PhraBoworn Pawaradhammo


Active learning, Undergraduate student


A study results of Proactive learning management on Undergraduate student Mahamakut Buddhist University was aimed to examine the effects of active learning on Undergraduate students and to evaluate the characteristics of instructors in the management of active learning. The samples were Undergraduate students in the first semester of academic year 2019, there are 91 students. The research tools included an active learning management plan using the model, cooperative learning model, concept attainment model, inductive teaching and learning model, media organizer instructional model, group discussion, case study, game, problem base learning, and constructivist video instruction in the 15 week, meme to instructors, and a questionnaire with reliability of 0.94.

The result suggested a study results of Proactive learning management on Undergraduate student Mahamakut Buddhist University in overall found that the activities arranged by instructors for students were appropriate at the high level. 1)Students reported the most pronounced effect of activities arranged by instructors was on promoting collaborative learning, followed by practicing class oral presentation, enabling teamwork skills development, promoting active yourself, thinking process skills development. 2) For the characteristics of instructors, students viewed them as appropriate at the highest level, with instructors’ preparedness in teaching, followed by instructors’ knowledge and competency in teaching and instructor cares and suggests to the student in the working.


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How to Cite

Pawaradhammo, P. (2020). A Study results of Proactive learning management on Undergraduate student Mahamakut Buddhist University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 1(2), 9–23. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmbuisc/article/view/251348