Opinions in General Administration of Educational Personnel in Intharanavi Ratuppatham School on Klongluang District Pathumthani Province


  • Kanyanan Sirakuptharanon


The objectives of this study were to find out the satisfaction in general administration of educational personnel and take the results to the executives for improving the general administration of educational personnel in Intharanavi Ratuppatham School on Klongluang District at Pathumthani Province in the aspect of educational resources mobilizing, public relation of working study and relationship between school and community classified by personal characteristics of gender, age, level of education and working experience.       

The population in this study was 35 educational personnel in Intharanavi Ratuppatham School on Klongluang District at Pathumthani Province. The needed instrument for gathering data was in form of questionnaire. The statistics for analyzing data were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results revealed that the majority of respondents were female, were aged higher than 40 years old, got Bachelor’s degree and had working experience between 5 – 10 years. The satisfaction in general administration of educational personnel in Intharanavi Ratuppatham School on Klongluang District at Pathumthani Province was in high level for overall and all aspects. For considering each aspect, the aspect of public relation of working study was at the first sequence. The next was the aspect of educational resources mobilizing and the last sequence was the aspect of relationship between school and community.


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How to Cite

Sirakuptharanon, . K. . (2020). Opinions in General Administration of Educational Personnel in Intharanavi Ratuppatham School on Klongluang District Pathumthani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 1(2), 55–62. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmbuisc/article/view/251352