
  • Vinij Ngeakaew


Motivation, Performance, Military personnel


The research has aims to study; 1) the motivation to work of soldier in engineer department Military cycle 23th Sripatcharin fort Khon kaen province. 2) To study the suggestion to work of soldier in engineer department Military cycle 23th Sripatcharin fort Khon kaen province. The researcher collected the data from 43 sampling espondents by using questionnaires and analyzed the data by percentage. Mean and standard deviation statistics. The result was as follows:

  1. The respondents, 100 percent were male. Most of the respondents, 30.23 percent, were age between 21-30 years old, 27.91 percent of the respondents were age 31- 40 years old, 23.26 percent of the respondents were age 51-60 years old, 18.60 percent of the respondents were age 41-50 years old, and 0percent of the respondents were age 18-20 years old. Lot of the respondents, 51.61 percent, were graduated high school, 48.86 percent of the respondents were graduated vocational certificate, and 6.98 percent of therespondentswerebachelor degrees. The respondents, 4.65 percent, were commissioned officer, and 95.35 percent of the respondent were non- commissioned officer.
  1. The motivation to work of soldier in engineer department Military cycle 23th Sripatcharin fort Khon Kaen province. 2.1) The motivation to work of soldier in engineer department Military cycle 23th Sripatcharin fort Khon Kaen province was at high mean level ( ̅= 3.98), 2.1.1) the aspect of to progress ( ̅= 3.94), 2.1.2) the aspect of social needs ( ̅= 4.21), 2.1.3) the aspect of demand to success ( ̅= 3.98), 2.1.4) the aspect of demand to relation ( ̅= 4.19), 2.1.5) the aspect of demand to salary ( ̅= 3.75), 2.1.6) the aspect of demand to stability ( ̅= 3.92), 2.1.7) the aspect of demand to rank ( ̅= 3.98), 2.1.8) the aspect of demand to onus ( ̅=3.97), 2.1.9) the aspect of manage policy ( ̅= 4.09). 2.1.10) the aspect of ( ̅= 3.98),
  1. There were 10 suggestions from this study; 1) The authority should justice to progress, 2) The staff should help each other, 3) The staff should work instead, 4) The staff should relation, 5) The staff should salary increase, 6) The staff should protect each other, 7) The authority should provide new staff, 8) The staff should Responsible for work, 9) The authority should divide the work at the description of the work, 10) The staff should completed of the work


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How to Cite

Ngeakaew, V. . (2020). JOB MOTIVATION OF ARMY OFFICERS UNDER POST ENGINER DEPATMENT THE 23rd SREPACHARINDRA CAMP KHON KAEN PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 1(1), 10–23. Retrieved from