Satisfaction, Service, District MunicipalityAbstract
This research has objectives to study : 1) the satisfaction of the people towards the
services of Kaisee Municipal parish Buengkan District, Buengkan Provine, 2) the suggestions to
develop the services of Kaisee Municipal parish Buengkan District, Buengkan Provine. The
researchers collected the data from 373 respondents by using questionnaires and analyzed
the data by percentage, mean, and standard deviation statistics. The results were as follows:
- The respondents (59.52 percent) were female, and (40.48 percent) were male.
Majority percent of the respondent’s 27.29 percent 61 years old and above, 21.98 percent
of the respondents were age between 51-60 years old, 26.01 percent of the respondents
were age between 41-50 years old, 15.01 percent of the respondents were age between 31-
40 years old, 7.77 percent of the respondents were age between 20-30 years old, and 6.43
percent of the respondents were age under 20 years old. The respondents (55.23 percent)
were graduated primary school, 17.69 percent of the respondents were graduated Lower
Secondary School Or equivalent, 15.28 percent of the respondents were graduated higher
secondary school Or equivalent, 6.17 percent of the respondents were graduated diploma
Or equivalent, 4.02 percent of the respondents were graduated Bachelor, and 1.61 percent
of the respondents were graduated Master or higher. Therespondents (63.00) percent)
werefarmer, 13.67 percentofthe respondents were labor, 6.97 percent of the respondents
were merchants, 5.90 percent of the respondents were students, 4.29 percent of the
respondents were civil servants, 2.68 percent of the respondents were state enterprise, and
3.49 else.
- The overall satisfaction of the people towards the services of Kaisee Municipal
parish Buengkan District, Buengkan Provine is in the average level ( ̅=3.39). While considering
in each aspect, the researchers found that 1) the aspect of fast service and punctual is in
the average level ( ̅= 3.34), 2) the aspect ofequality is in the average much level ( ̅= 3.44), 3)
the aspect of officers in charge is in the average much level ( ̅=3.36), and 4) the aspect of
quality service is in the average level ( ̅= 3.33)
- 3. There were 4 suggestions from this study; 1) The officersshould be quick to
provide service and punctual more than this 2) want treat everyone equally 3 The officers
should speak how with melodic, and the polite per service users 4) The water plumbing
system should be improved due to poor water not clean
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