Community-Based Learning Process : Reflections on Experience and Learning


  • Nipapan Jensantikul Faculty Humanities and Social Science, Khon Kaen University


Keywords: Community-Based Learning; Experience; Learning Outcomes



This academic article aims to present the process of teaching and learning in community-based learning courses by reflecting that the learners have social interaction by using the community as a case study helps learners to learn both in theory and practice. The learner had planning skills in preparing to go to the area to study in the community, had critical thinking skills about community problems and the problem was discussed, analyzed, and critically presented solutions, had communication and presentation skills by presenting in a variety of formats able to use tools used in community learning, such as genogram or genealogical diagram, community organizations chart, local health systems, community calendar, local history, life stories and geo-social mapping, and identify advantages and disadvantages, systematic use of the tool. Learner behavior should be more active and interested in learning and make the learning atmosphere different from listening to lectures only in class.


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How to Cite

Jensantikul, N. (2021). Community-Based Learning Process : Reflections on Experience and Learning. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(3), 78–85. retrieved from


