Master’s Degree Study Needs of private companies in Chumphon Province


  • KITSANA Roengsungnoen Thailand National Sport University Chumphon Campus.
  • Teerada Siripirom
  • Athiphat Phetthai


Needs for Further Study, Private Companies


The purpose of this research is to study the need for further education at the master's degree level of private company employees in Chumphon Province. The sample used in this research were 173 private company employees in Chumphon Province. By using the method of collecting data from online questionnaires. It can be divided into 3 parts, namely, part 1 questionnaire about the respondents' personal information, part 2 desires to study at the master's degree level, and part 3 additional opinions and suggestions. The statistics used in data analysis were mean and percentage. The research results were as follows: Need to study for a master's degree in Chumphon's private company The need for interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary integration. In addition, there are many needs in the learning process, such as: Thesis and course plan. Unofficial time (Monday to Friday evening) And arrange normal classroom teaching and online teaching. In addition, how to select students only in the form of interview, and the fixed tuition fee paid by semester for the whole course. In addition, we also apply for scholarships for thesis and independent research. The reasons for pursuing a master's degree are as follows: Modern curriculum demand and labor market demand.


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How to Cite

Roengsungnoen, K., Siripirom, T. ., & Phetthai, A. . (2023). Master’s Degree Study Needs of private companies in Chumphon Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(2), 12–22. retrieved from


