Police Reform: A New Challenging Policy light of dawn


  • Nattawit Ratchakaew -
  • Phakdee Phosing


reform, police, policy, light of dawn


The reform of the National Police Agency has received the attention of the whole country since the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) took control of the country's administration because the police are considered the source of the judicial process. in the justice process, especially criminal cases It cannot be denied that the "police" is like the source of the justice process. before the process proceeds to court When the rights of the people are violated, the "police" is the first line of defense that people think of. Nonetheless, a wave of criticism of the police officers' performance both personally and systematically still exists in society.

        “Police reform” is therefore a ray of hope for the development of the origin of the Thai justice system. with many problems that have accumulated for a long time Especially structural problems that make the police often used to eliminate political enemies. In the past, each government has pushed, studied, and found solutions to the problems of police organizations in almost every era. But until now, there hasn't been a time when the police have actually been able to 'reform'.  Move ForwardParty The leader of the government establishment has proposed a policy. 'Progressive Thai Government' Covers Police Reform Policies In this article, the factors supporting the drive to achieve concrete It was found that there were supporting factors as follows: 1) People's support (Dom Som) is equivalent to a commitment for the Party to follow its campaign policies. 2) Policies on police reform issues are clearly laid out. 3) Declaration of party political ideology (party character) 4) The policies of the 8 political parties have the same direction that they want to see. 'Police reform' seriously


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How to Cite

Ratchakaew, N., & Phosing, P. (2023). Police Reform: A New Challenging Policy light of dawn. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(2), 73–88. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmbuisc/article/view/265811


