The role of the judge in solving problems according to the teachings of Buddhism


  • Chakkree Sricharumedhiyan
  • Phra anucha sutthajitto (Boonsit)
  • Pongmanut Deeod
  • Phramaha Chaichana Boonnadee
  • Surasuk Audmuangpiea
  • Kongpipat Kongkham


role, judiciary, according to the teachings of Buddhism


In the Buddha's time, the Lord Buddha exercised sovereign power in governing the Sangha in three aspects: legislative power, executive power, and judicial power. by himself gave power to the clergy to use some of the administrative power and judicial power times in Thailand during the Sukhothai period Ayutthaya and Thonburi use only executive and judicial power, not legislative power. in the late Rattanakosin period from 1902 to the present The Sangha uses all 3 powers of government in governing the Thai Sangha. Judges according to the teachings of Theravada Buddhism or the way of Theravada Buddhism have some characteristics similar to the judicial institutions of the Kingdom. There are rules or regulations that are set together as the norms of the actions of individuals in society. Prevent actions or behaviors that are contrary to the peace of society. Laws are the main rule. On the part of Buddhism, Dharma and discipline are the main principles of adherence. both kingdom and Buddhism has a judicial process or abhāna and there are methods of punishment depending on the nature of the misconduct or misconduct. according to the principles of national law and discipline Punishment is very different. Like some serious offenses of monks, such as sexual offenses (gemini, that is, having sex) is sexual intercourse. For the kingdom side, it may not be considered wrong. The Judicial Court is responsible for adjudicating and adjudicating cases in accordance with the law. Sangha judges are responsible for ruling and adjudicating cases in accordance with the Dhamma and Vinaya.



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How to Cite

Sricharumedhiyan, C. ., sutthajitto (Boonsit), P. anucha ., Deeod, P. ., Boonnadee, P. C. ., Audmuangpiea, S. ., & Kongkham, K. . (2023). The role of the judge in solving problems according to the teachings of Buddhism . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(3), 108–117. Retrieved from


