The Movement of Women In The Protection of Community Rights: Rugbankerd Group Case Study


  • Supaporn Khamde
  • Weeranuch Promjuk Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakrupisuthidhammaporn


The Movement Protection of community rights The Rugbankerd Group.


Independent Study purposes of this study were: 1) The concept of the Rak Ban Kerd Group’s Movement to protect community rights and 2) The role and process of the Rak Ban Kerd Group’s Movement to protect community rights. The samples used in this research were:  Women's the Rak Ban Kerd Group in Khao Luang Subdistrict, Wang Saphung District, Loei Province. This study was a qualitative research to collect information related to the women's movement of the Rak Ban Kerd Group.Research tools are Interview form and participant and non-participant observation, data analysis from the qualitative data collected from interviews. To analyzed under the framework of feminist concepts and new movements design. By analyzing the data, including : Documentation and information of the Rak Ban Kerd Group and descriptive method were use to data presentation. The results of the study were as follows:

          1) The concept of the Rak Ban Kerd Group’s Movement to protect community rights caused by talking about environmental problems and impacts that occur in the community, there was a gathering of people from 6 villages in Khao Luang Subdistrict, Wang Saphung District, Loei Province. On behalf of the Rak Ban Kerd Group has come out of the movement to protect the forest.

          2) The role and process of the Rak Ban Kerd Group’s Movement to protect community rights. The movement by submitting a letter to various agencies. The nature of aggregation. It is a gathering of the Rak Ban Kerd Group by the masses. The building a wall of hearts. The movement fights lawsuits. Set community by laws. Set up a fund to support the movement. Traditional merit-making and a symbolic movement to mobilize against mining.


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How to Cite

Khamde, S. ., Promjuk, W., & Phrakrupisuthidhammaporn. (2023). The Movement of Women In The Protection of Community Rights: Rugbankerd Group Case Study. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(3), 47–58. Retrieved from


