Digital Marketing Communication Toward Buying Decision


  • Suthin Rojprasert -


Digital Marketing, Digital Age, Buying Decision


In the age of digital marketing, it is evident that traditional marketing strategies are becoming less effective. The Internet plays an increasingly important role in consumers' daily lives, and marketing approaches must adapt to consumer preferences to keep up with future trends in customer behavior and technological changes and the purchase decision process can be stimulated. Digital marketing encompasses all marketing strategies that use electronic devices, whether connected to the internet or not and digital platforms to attract online customers. The key principle of digital marketing management is to create a user-friendly experience for the target audience. Additionally, one of the characteristics of digital marketing is that consumers actively seek marketing content through search engines. Many brands use social media to gather customer feedback as part of their sales promotion and marketing strategies. Marketers employ digital marketing communication tools to stimulate decision-making and engage visitors through social media platforms. Therefore, marketers need to focus on driving marketing communication in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Rojprasert, S. (2023). Digital Marketing Communication Toward Buying Decision. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(3), 166–180. Retrieved from


