

Community-Based Tourism, Creative Tourism, Identity Communication, Woven Fabric


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study a participatory conservation model for woven fabric and stucco work; 2) to assess the potential for designing woven fabric and stucco work at the community level; and 3) to propose guidelines for innovatively communicating the identity and narratives associated with woven fabric and stucco work. The study employed a mixed methods approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The research was conducted in Pa Sang District, Lamphun Province. The quantitative research sample comprised 250 tourists and entrepreneurs, selected using a simple random sampling method. Additionally, 25 key informants, including teachers specializing in weaving and stucco work, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and representatives from government agencies, were selected based on a purposive sampling method. The research tools utilized included questionnaires, interview forms, and focus group discussions. Quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistical methods, while for qualitative research, content was synthesized and descriptive reports were written. The research results revealed as follows: 1). A participatory conservation model for woven fabric and stucco work had been passed down through generations and had evolved into a distinctive skill. This led to the creation of unique community identity products, using local materials and production techniques that result in items that are practical, functional, aesthetically pleasing, captivating, innovative, and attractive. There was a strong spirit of cooperation among communities in producing these pieces, and annual community cultural and product exhibition activities were organized. 2). The potential for designing woven fabric and stucco work at the community level according to tourists’ opinions was at a high level. This was attributed to effective village management, which led to the establishment of a community-based economy providing sustainable income, and fostered a welcoming atmosphere among the community members. Moreover, the opinions of entrepreneurs were at the highest level. It was evident that the community's traditional lifestyle and cultural practices are significant attractions for tourists, and the community boasts exceptional craftsmanship. 3). Guidelines for innovatively communicating the identity and narratives associated with woven fabric and stucco work should be done through new marketing communication concepts (4E) including 1) Experience, creating memorable experiences, 2) Exchange, adding value for products and services, 3) Everywhere, ensuring easy accessibility through various channels, and 4) Evangelism, transforming one-time customers into loyal patrons. This could be achieved through the creation of two short video clips: 1) Hand weaving, heart weaving, Lamphun cloth 2) Women weaving Lamphun cloth

Author Biography

Prateep Peuchthonglanglang, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna : 128 Huay Kaew Road, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50300

B.A. (Psychology), M.A. (Educational Psychology and Guidance), Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies)


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How to Cite

Peuchthonglanglang, P. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR IDENTITY COMMUNICATION OF CREATIVE WOVEN FABRICS TOURISM COMMUNITY IN PA SANG DISTRICT, LAMPHUN PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 5(1), 79–98. Retrieved from


