Philosophy, Religions, Theology, Sciences

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Watchara Ngamchitcharoen


Philosophy in the western view is a difficult term for definition and can be defined in different perspectives. But it can be simply said that it is world view or thought of human beings derived from rational thinking. As a result, philosophy in the western sense, differs from that in the eastern perspectives especially Indian ones according to which philosophy is the doubtless knowledge derived from “view”, i.e. “vision” or enlightenment of the Master or revelation from God. However, if eastern philosophy especially Indian one is held to be a kind of world view, it may be said that eastern
philosophy is “philosophy” like western one though they differ in some aspects. Philosophy differs from religion when the latter is seen as the way of life which emphasizes faith, practice and rite. At any rate, philosophy and religion have something in common because the doctrines of religion is its’ world view or philosophy. Moreover, philosophy has similarity and difference with theology since the latter makes an attempt to explain the doctrines of religion by rational way like the former but conceals its’ faith that philosophy prohibits. Besides, philosophy is somehow related to science, though the former differs from the latter in some aspects. This is because philosophy relies on scientific knowledge or data in search for knowledge whereas science employs inductive method of philosophy to arrive at truth and relies on concepts as well as criticism of philosophy in developing science.

Watchara Ngamchitcharoen

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How to Cite
Ngamchitcharoen, W. (2017). Philosophy, Religions, Theology, Sciences. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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