Buddhist Ethics and the concept of Suicidal behavior

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Natdhira Sridee


The practice of suicide is a fact which can be found in all societies, past and present. The cause may have roots somewhere else. And the roots of suicidal behavior may be found in unethical and immoral behavior. However all religions of the world emphasis that “suicide is a misconduct and is immoral”. Especially, Buddhism, reveals that “Kiccho Manussapatilābho (it is too difficult to be born as human beings)”. Thus human being should save their lives, in order to improve themselves to reach supreme goal of Buddhism, i.e., nirvāna. According to Buddhist ethical principle, all cases of suicide are absolutely wrong. Except two case of suicide of Channa Thera and Godhika Thera. These two cases are the Lord Buddha was not complained because their mentality is covered by meditation and they got enlightenment after suicide. The suicide is morally wrong in case of a person who committed suicide because of desire. In other words, a person wants to leave this body with desire to be reborn in a better life. He is not satisfied with this life. Since his attempt to commit suicide is based on desire, is morally wrong.

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How to Cite
Sridee, N. (2017). Buddhist Ethics and the concept of Suicidal behavior. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(1), 25–39. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240103
Academic Article


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