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พระมหาจีรวัฒน์ กนฺตวณฺโณ (กันจู)


This research is of two objectives i.e. (1) to study history and development of Buddhism in Phisanulok during Sukhothai Period, and (2) to study a style of Buddhist art of Buddhajinaraja group. The research is a documentary one which focuses on related Buddhist sculpture.
From the research, it was found that Phitsanulok is an ancient city in upper northern Thailand having to be traced back to Phokhunbangklangthao, the first founder of Phitsanulok and then the first King of Sukhothai, the so-called Phokhunsri-indraditga of the Ruang Dinasty in eighteenth Buddhist century. Consequently, Phisanulok became the first priority second to the Sukhothai capital city. Thus Theravada Buddhism extended also to cover Phitsanulok both of Buddhist practice and Buddha images.
Buddhajinaraja, one of the most proportionate beautiful images of Sakhothai period, was constructed in mixed style of Chianqsaen and Sukhothai arts by the King Lithai (B.E. 1890 – 1916). After this, Sukhothai styles declined until the beginning of Ayuthaya period
Buddhajinaraja, though constructed in Sukhothai period, but with its characteristics created by Phitsanulok artisans, it was classified to the Sukhothai art of Buddhajinaraja group. Many Buddha images ware casted at the temporary time, such as Buddhajinasiha, Srisasada, Siddhartha, Setthatamamuni, Buddhajinarajavarovada-dharmacakra and Buddhajinasihamuminatha, etc. Buddhajinaraja style has been carried down to the present day such as the main Buddhas of WatBenchama-bophitra, Wat Thai Buddhagaya, India, etc. It is beyond the number of making the images of Buddhajinaraja both of images and amulets throughout Thailand.
Buddhajinaraja images convey faith and calmfulness to the respected, and guide them to the right way of living, i.e. not to do evil, to do well, and to purify one’s mind. The triple gem is their refuges and leads them to get rid suffering and to the happy life.

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How to Cite
กนฺตวณฺโณ (กันจู) พ. (2017). A HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BUDDHISM IN PHISANULOK DURING SUKHOTHAI PERIOD: A CASE STUDY OF JINARAJA BUDDHIST ART. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(1), 62–74. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240107
Academic Article


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