An Analytical Study of the Principle of Coexistence of Multicultural Society in Thailand: A Case Study of Buddhist and Muslim Community at Thakarong’s Community, Banpom Sub-district, Ayutthaya district, Ayutthaya province

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พระมหายุทธนา นรเชฏฺโฐ
พระครูธรรมธรวรเดชา อคฺคเตโช
จุฑารัตน์ ทองอินจันทร์
มานิตา ชูช่วย


This research was an analytical study of Coexistence in multicultural societies between the communities of Buddhists and Muslims at Thagarong’s community, Banpom sub-district, Ayutthaya province with three objectives: 1) to study the principles of Coexistence of the communities of Buddhists and Muslims at Thagarong’s community, Banpom sub-district, Ayutthaya province, 2) to analyze their ways, and 3) to present the proper ways for Thai society at the present time.
From the research, it was found that firstly, the principles of Coexistence of the communities of Buddhists and Muslims are: 1) loving-kindness between them, 2) generality, 3) reverence and the honor other persons, 4) cooperation, and 5) frequent meetings. The second, the principles of Coexistence could integrate between the principles of the principles of Coexistence of Buddhism and Islam. They were found that the principles of Buddhism emphasized on loving-kindness, principles of services, harmony, and tolerances, meanwhile the principles of Islam emphasized on faiths and practice of five beliefs. The third, the proper ways for the principles of Coexistence of them at the present time and the future should are practiced into two steps: Individual steps and social steps. For the first step, each person should practice according to the teachings in his/her religions completely by applying them into daily lives with themselves. In the second step, they should frequent meet with the pure mind without hidden agendas for discussion, exchange ideas, and resolution of many problems with together by good attention, spirit minds to nation and public advantages.

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นรเชฏฺโฐ พ., อคฺคเตโช พ., ทองอินจันทร์ จ., & ชูช่วย ม. (2017). An Analytical Study of the Principle of Coexistence of Multicultural Society in Thailand: A Case Study of Buddhist and Muslim Community at Thakarong’s Community, Banpom Sub-district, Ayutthaya district, Ayutthaya province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(1), 40–61. Retrieved from
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