Coexistence of People in the Multicultural Society: A Case study of Multicultural Society in Bangrak Community, Bangkok

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พระมหานภดล ปุญฺญสุวฑฺฒโก


The objects of this research are: 1. to study the concepts and theories, related to the coexistence of the people in multicultural societies, 2. to study the principles of coexistence of the people in multicultural societies, 3. to present coexistence of the people in multicultural societies of Bangrak community in Bangkok.
This is a qualitative research, the research method has been used by textual studying, by In-depth interview 12 key persons and by a group discussion of 9 professional persons and by descriptive and descriptive analysis.
From the research it was found that
1. Concepts and theories related to the coexistence of people in multicultural societies are to study the process of providing basic education to help children and youth. People understand and accept the difference in the minority, race, language, religion, and creed.
2. Principles related to the coexistence of people in multicultural societies e.g. the coexistence of the Buddhist community is to make a good merit by donation and charity, good speech and to make yourself useful. Christian community encourages people to develop themselves and opens for of each community to society equally. An Islamic community let everyone in the society turn to understand the difference. And interested to learn the difference with the existing knowledge.
3. Cohabitation of Multicultural Society: Case Study of Bangrak Community Bangkok is a Buddhist community, providing education to the youth and the people. Welfare and worship in the community around the temple. Christian community Promotion of special instruction on Saturday and Sunday. Promote good hygiene by cleaning the public area. And to clean their own household. An Islamic community Need leaders who strictly follow religious principles. Is to encourage people to have the knowledge. Have better work skills. And have a good attitude to work. This will result in efficient operation.

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How to Cite
ปุญฺญสุวฑฺฒโก พ. (2017). Coexistence of People in the Multicultural Society: A Case study of Multicultural Society in Bangrak Community, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 1–23. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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