Monks and the importance of holding Nissaya in Thailand today

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พระมหาสัญญา ขนฺติธมฺโม (ตรีสวัสดิ์)
พระมหาอดิเดช สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี)
จริยาภรณ์ เจริญชีพ


The Buddha allowed the Buddhist monk to hold a precept. Make the preceptor take care of his apostles. Be warned about the behavior and other aspects. To prevent damage. To be sure. That's the way to go. I have been studying both business and introspection. And to create a good relationship between the precepts and the monastic order that they have ordained. Make both parties feel good and behave like father and son. It creates harmony and goodness in the Sangha. This is the current religion. Considered to be very necessary in governance. When a conflict occurs or a cooperative. The preceptor can easily solve the problem of his own psyche. Because both sides have respect for each other. Intimate with each other as a father and son. If at present the preceptor and the monk continue to adhere to the principles of discipline in practice. The name was taken care of by the Prophet, because this was the beginning of a priest's life. If the beginning is right, this is clear. The practice of the Discipline will be more effective.

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ขนฺติธมฺโม (ตรีสวัสดิ์) พ., สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี) พ., & เจริญชีพ จ. (2017). Monks and the importance of holding Nissaya in Thailand today. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 24–37. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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