The Principle of the Life Study of Phra Patacaratheri

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พระมหาศักดิ์ศรี ปุญฺญธโร (เชื้อชำนาญ)
พระมหาอดิเดช สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี)
วุฒินันท์ กันทะเตียน


This academic paper on the Principle of the life of Phra Patacaratheri had the objectives to study the principle of life in the aspects of the experience of suffering, the cause of suffering, the attainment of happiness, and the cause of happiness. According to the results of the study, the life principle of Phra patacaratheri can be concluded in five aspects: 1) not being a credulous woman, when one has a partner in life, it is necessary to listen to parents’ advices rather than following one’s own heart; 2) finding an appropriate husband should select a life partner according to parents’advices and by taking into consideration the appropriateness to oneself, such as the aspects of family, status, and education; 3) recognizing the nature of partition, it is necessity to acknowledge the truths of life when living in this world –the fact that birth, old age, sickness, and death are the nature of living things; 4) should solve problems with intellects when one has lived through life and in case problems occur, one should have the consciousness and intellect to solve the problem correctly and precisely; and 5) creating benefits for the society, when one has higher levels of intellect and competence than others. In conclusion, the life principle of Phra Patacaratheri involves making a mistake in life, solving a problem and finding a solution to the suffering with an intellect, and helping other people with one’s own ability.

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ปุญฺญธโร (เชื้อชำนาญ) พ., สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี) พ., & กันทะเตียน ว. (2017). The Principle of the Life Study of Phra Patacaratheri. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 38–50. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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