The Farming is a communication tool of the Buddha’s teaching

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มะลิ อิงสุข
พระมหาทวี มหาปญฺโญ (ละลง)
ปาณิสรา เบี้ยมุกดา


The study of The Farming is a communication tool of the Buddha’s teaching. Its objectives is to study the farming ways of life in Buddhism. The Buddha said to Kasikabharadavara Brahmana. He was also the farmer. He compared the faith as the seeds. The rain water is the effort and the yoke of plough is the wisdom. The name of plough-like is the constellation is the moral shame. The pick is the mindfulness and the rope is the mind. Lord Buddha said to take care of the young plants by getting rid of the weed. The Buddha said Soracca as the effort and looked after his body and mind with the careness in taking the meal to cause his body to be strong and be able to work successfully. The output of the rice in the field is the happiness and the deathlessness. From his teaching, one can know that the attainder of Dhummas must be of the Faith and the Effort and must strictly practice according to the Three Learnings ( Tisikkha). By this way, one can attain Nibbana. The output of the Experience Farming Buddha’s communicate tool is easy to understand, because it’s the basic humanity’s knowledge to learning and It make Buddha taught difficult Dharma to easy understand. Kasikabhradavara Brahmana can understand Dharma and he can applied to practice himself every time.

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How to Cite
อิงสุข ม., มหาปญฺโญ (ละลง) พ., & เบี้ยมุกดา ป. (2017). The Farming is a communication tool of the Buddha’s teaching. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 51–63. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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