An Interpretation of Dhamma Practice in Theravada Buddhism

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อรอำไพ สามขุนทด
พระมหาสมบูรณ์ วุฑฺฒิกโร
วัชรพงษ์ ชุมดวง


This article seeks to explore interpretation and understanding of dhamma practice in Theravada Buddhism. The extent to which the public interpretation differs from the Tipitaka. The interpretation in the Tipitaka and books by venerable scholars provides similar explanation. Dhamma practice is the way to behave following to dhamma or the teaching of the Buddha. The scholars clearly explain more in details and classify dhamma practice into standard and intensive level. The outcomes widely differ in search engine and books. The similar meaning occurs in dhamma and how to practice dhamma. The public seems to emphasize on places for dhamma practice and/or meditation course, which is merely a small part referring to the Tipitaka. The most different interpretation represents in wearing white clothes, sitting cross-legged, and closing eyes, whereas the Tipitaka and books by scholars have never focused clothes at all. This is a case of interpretation and understanding.

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How to Cite
สามขุนทด อ., วุฑฺฒิกโร พ., & ชุมดวง ว. (2017). An Interpretation of Dhamma Practice in Theravada Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 64–75. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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