Buddhist Ways in mentally dealing with the loss

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นภาพัทธ์ งามบุษบงโสภิน
มนตรี สิระโรจนานันท์


The loss is what all have to face; many people immensely undergo hefty suffering due to their failure in mentally dealing with it. This article was made to attempt to study Buddhist ways in order to be applied to solve the cause of the suffering through the explanation that Buddhist ways are the best medicine in mentally dealing with such mental diseases. Since the suffering always arises from the birth to the death then Buddhism is purposely assigned to teach man to know, to learn and to understand the suffering and thereby searching for the cause of the suffering and the way to end the suffering by getting rid of its root. As a result, one can mentally cope with it through the present moment of one’s mind. Under this situation, the good thought, speech and action could be actualized. It is claimed that one can apply the Buddha’s teachings into practices if one associates oneself with good friend; a good friend always introduces one to the good instructions such as the three characteristics, Maraṇănussati, Foundations of mindfulness. Through these observations, more mindfulness can be expected to gain and then it would gradually lead to solving the suffering and thereby liberating one’s mind from the sea of dissatisfaction. It is believed that such solution could be made because one comes to have the insight of things, arising, remaining and ceasing. Suffice it to say that if one properly follows the insight development then one can expect to meet the situation wherein suffering is controllable. Therefore, Buddhism is held as the best way in dealing with one’s mind.

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How to Cite
งามบุษบงโสภิน น., & สิระโรจนานันท์ ม. (2017). Buddhist Ways in mentally dealing with the loss. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 88–102. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240130
Academic Article


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