The Concept and Activities of Socially Engaged Buddhism towards Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta

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ชมกร เศรษฐบุตร
พระมหาสมบูรณ์ วุฑฺฒิกโร
ภาวินี บุนนาค


This article entitled The Concept and Activities of Socially Engaged Buddhism towards Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta has the concept of Social Buddhism and the study of the concept and activities of Mae Chee Sansanee. This is an academic article towards documentary research.
The research finding were the concept and activities of Mae Chee Sansanee reflects on the social Buddhism: the social work and the engaged Buddhism which rely on the principles: Anapanasati is the fundamental of mindfulness. There are Dukkha in the world; however, we live as the world as so that we are not suffering. Socially Engaged Buddhism activities of Mae Chee Sansanee that active involvement as the social work: the project for the single mothers under the name Baan Sai Samphan, as the social engagement: The project to make the good family under the name of Parenting School, as the social work and social engagement: the project for Patient Care under the name of Dhammayatra of Black Bhuddha Chanyanti Nalanda
Key words: Socially Engaged Buddhism, Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta.

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How to Cite
เศรษฐบุตร ช., วุฑฺฒิกโร พ., & บุนนาค ภ. (2017). The Concept and Activities of Socially Engaged Buddhism towards Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 1(2), 103–114. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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