Tradition of the Making-Merit in the Great life of Prince Vessantara and the Moral Identity of the Isaan People

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พระมหาดีรัตน์ อุทยปุตฺโต
เจ้าอธิการสุริยนต์ ทสฺสนีโย


This article aims to show the moral identity of the Isaan people that Influenced by the tradition of making-merit in the great life of prince Vessantara (Bun Pha Ved). This tradition and the Isaan people are paired together for a long time as theirs custom and the annual merit. It was held together at the fourth month of every year following up the Thai lunar calendar during March to April. Most of them, the Isaan people influenced by the tradition of Bun Pha Ved, especially, the moral identity of them, for example, a generality, sharing, forgiveness. Humility, etc. These virtues came from the Vessantara Jataka, which they absorbed into their daily lives and became to be the identity of the Isaan people from the past until the present time.

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อุทยปุตฺโต พ., พระครูปริยัติคณานุรักษ์, & ทสฺสนีโย เ. (2018). Tradition of the Making-Merit in the Great life of Prince Vessantara and the Moral Identity of the Isaan People. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 2(2), 41–54. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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