K̄hanti-dhamma: A practices to coexist peacefully in ASEAN
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The Asean Communities had mutually united altogether into the communal nations peacefully by self-development. All leaders and their citizen in all nations have to hold K̄hanti-dhamma the principles of toleration for living in an event way without any problems and full of unity, harmony, and conformity. They have known how to use the fine words “Giving and Taking”. Which res, the competent development in tolerance for living together in physical bodies, speeches, and mentality. Moreover, living together like this can tolerate. The defilement, greedy, and ignorance. Finally, ones would lead blissful lives. Practicing the “giving” and “tolerating” with various sarcastic problems had been the practicing principles sustaining the Asean communities for fully mutual happiness of raison d'être. Certainly, peace would have happened with sustainability if the Asian communities had truly been cheerful.
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ชาติชาย เชษฐสุมน. ประชาคมอาเซียน ผลกระทบต่อกฎหมายไทย. กรุงเทพมหานคร :วิญญูชน,๒๕๕๕.
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ประภัสสร์ เทพชาตรี “การผงาดขึ้นมาของอาเซียน” คอลัมน์ “กระบวนทรรศน์” ไทยโพสต์. ฉบับวันที่ ๙ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๕. [ออนไลน์]. แหล่งที่มา: https://www.baanjomyut.com /library_2/asean_community/19.html. [๑๖ พ.ย. ๒๕๕๙].