Wat Kampramong: Care Centre for Cancer Patients in the Integrated Buddhist Perspective

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Phrakhruphibulkijjarak Tongmak Chanthia
Phramaha Surasak Puccantaseno


Wat Kampramong Sakon Nakhon Province can use the Buddhist principles to carry on health care services for cancer patients. And also integration of the Buddhist way with health care to support the patients in many ways. That is; Buddhism is a way of eating, Buddhist approach to exercise, Buddhist practices in the management of mental health and mind and Dhamma therapy.
The Buddhist health care services in 4 ways is divided into two main sections; firstly; The Buddhist health care include Buddhist practices to eating. And Buddhist practices to exercise. Second; The Buddhist approach to mental health care, including mental Buddhist method of mind development. And the Buddhist Dhamma therapy. Actually, The healthy care of body and mind. It is very important to help patients recover from cancer. And more especially the mental health care services for this. It is very vital .It is because in Buddhist teaching believed that Mind is very vital more than Body. If the slave's mind is fresh, bright and cheerful all the time then. Inevitably brought to mind the body is strengthened by it.

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How to Cite
Tongmak Chanthia, P., & Puccantaseno, P. S. (2019). Wat Kampramong: Care Centre for Cancer Patients in the Integrated Buddhist Perspective. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 3(1), 32–48. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240214
Academic Article


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