Buddhadhamma and Social Work

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Thitiporn Sasom


This academic article aimed to study relation between Buddhadhamma and social work. From the study, it was found that the Buddhadhamma are the all Dhamm were discovered by the Buddha. For the social works, the Buddha helped all people by teaching the Four Noble Truths that are Dukkha, sufferings, Samuddhaya, cause of suffering, Nirodha, the cessation of suffering, and Magga, the Way leading to the cessation of Suffering. According to the Buddha’s teachings, social problem solving should be carried on by developing their lives by themselves. He emphasized on the Noble Eightfold Paths as the practical ways in their daily lives. The Noble Eightfold Paths can be classified into eight kinds as the followings: Right View, Right intension, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. In the Social works, the Buddha emphasized on the four sublime states as the following: Mettā, Loving kindness, Karuṇā, Compassion, Muditā, Sympathetic joy, and Upekkhā, Equanimity.                

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How to Cite
Sasom , T. (2018). Buddhadhamma and Social Work. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 2(1), 88–105. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/240240
Academic Article


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